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Ministry Programs and Events

At Church In the Air (CITA), our diverse ministry programs and events inspire a profound Christian journey. Each initiative nurtures spiritual growth and development and fosters meaningful connections within our community. Explore our upcoming events and consider how you can get involved and in giving attention to the reading of, and applying the Word of God, see what a difference it can make in your life.

Join Us

Church in the Air (CITA) provides an opportunity to connect with God during the week right from your home. Experience worship and the preaching of the Word of God, online, and while in the privacy and comfort of your own home. Invite friends and neighbors over together for a time of connection and worship and create your own small group worship experience right in your living room. We invite you to join us as the church moves through the Air, we meet, Monday through Friday at 6AM EST, and 7PM EST on Fridays for worship, prayer, daily devotion, thanksgiving and interactive Bible reading and study. Let's journey together in faith and fellowship as we explore the boundless love of God through Jesus Christ. Welcome aboard — your CITA family awaits.

Our Vision

The vision is to launch Church In The Air (CITA) player meetings in all 24 Time zones of the world with prayer meetings starting at 6am at every time zone by God’s grace. We hope that you find CITA as a place of fellowship, discipleship and God’s family. A place where the body of Christ can connect to others, and serve God’s Kingdom. God has called you to do great things (see Mathew 28:19-20), and it is our desire to help you achieve your purpose in Christ Jesus.

Statements of Faith

At Church in The Air (CITA), we are founded on the unshakable truths of God's Word. Our beliefs are rooted in the timeless principles revealed in the Bible, guiding our journey of faith and shaping our vision for the future.

The Triune God: We affirm the existence of one true God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – the Holy Trinity.

The Holy Scriptures: We uphold the divine inspiration and authority of the Holy Scriptures, the Bible, as the infallible and inherent Word of God, revealing His will for salvation and guiding our lives.

Jesus Christ: We believe Jesus Christ is divine, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, performed miracles, died to atone for sin with His shed blood, rose bodily from the dead, ascended to heaven, and will return in power and glory.

The Holy Spirit: We recognize the Holy Spirit as God's presence among us. He shows us right from wrong, helps us understand judgment, makes us new inside, lives in us, gives us strength to serve, and makes us more like Jesus as we follow Him.

Salvation through Christ: We affirm the universal sinfulness of humanity, the need for repentance, forgiveness of sins, and salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone.

The Church: We believe in the Church as the body of Christ, called to worship God, edify one another, proclaim the Gospel, and make disciples of all nations.


Church In the Air (CITA) is a ministry expression of Adonai Bible Center. Designed to meet the needs of a global congregation, it allows members to engage in worship and fellowship without geographic constraints. This approach has rapidly expanded its reach, providing accessible and meaningful spiritual experiences to a diverse and growing online community.